Laboratoires et plateformes

L'IRMB rassemble l'expertise scientifique et médicale sur la médecine régénérative et les immunothérapies innovantes.

Laboratoires hospitaliers

Director : Pr. Sylvain LEHMANN

Phone number : 04 67 33 71 23

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The “Laboratory of Biochemistry – Clinical Proteomic” (LBPC) of the Montpellier University Hospital , France (CHU) is a laboratory that combines specialized clinical assays and R&D activities in the field of clinical proteomics.

The LBPC is responsible for the measurement of biomarkers for the diagnosis of different neurological diseases including Alzheimer and Prion diseases. The laboratory is also in charge of the detection of dystrophy related proteins in muscle biopsies. The LBPC is part of the CHU Biological Resource Centre (CCBHM) as it is responsible for different blood (serum, plasma, RNA) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) collections, especially in the Neurological field. The LBPC is the coordinator/partner of several clinical research programs (AOI/ANR/PSTIC/PHRC) to detect biomarkers using mass spectrometry and antibody microarray biochips.

The LBPC operates also as a clinical platform (Clinical Proteomics Platform, responsable : Christophe Hirtz) of the Proteome Pole of Montpellier

The PPM is a network of laboratories with a complementary expertise in distinct fields of proteomics, ranging from large-scale, quantitative proteomics, analysis of post-translational modifications, interactomics, clinical proteomics to mass spectrometry-based imaging.


Director : Pr. Eric RENARD

Phone number : 04 67 33 83 84

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Lab Manager, Research Engineer : Dr Christophe Broca
Ingeneer : Sabrina GRANZIERA

The “Laboratory of Cell therapy for Diabetes” (LCTD) of the Montpellier University Hospital, France (CHU) is a clinical research laboratory dedicated to the isolation of islets from human pancreas in order to study their preservation and regeneration, with the ultimate goal of improving and developing human islet transplantation as a cell therapy for type 1 diabetes. The pancreatic islet beta cells are the only cells capable of producing insulin, and their inadequate functional mass is the main cause of the onset of diabetes.

The LCTD combines expertise on human islet isolation, culture and research activities. This laboratory exists since 2009 and performs 10 to 15 islet isolations from human pancreas per year.

  • The first axis of activities at LTCD is the setting of human islet isolation routinely in order to promote islet transplantation in type 1 diabetic patients: the aim of the LCTD is to reach the GMP grade in 2014 to add a new islet isolation center into the GRAGIL network and extend islet graft for patients in the southern and western regions of France. Islet grafts in patients are already possible in Montpellier thanks to islets provided through the GRAGIL group, a network of clinical research centers also including Strasbourg, Lyon, Nancy, Grenoble, Besançon, Clermont-Ferrand and Geneva (Investigator: Pr Anne Wojtusciszyn, in the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes Nutrition directed by Pr Eric Renard).
  • The second axis is basic research, in tight connection with the INSERM U661 pancreatic beta cell team directed by Dr Stephane Dalle.  The aim of the collaborative work is to study the mechanisms regulating the balance survival / apoptosis and insulin secretory function of human pancreatic islets in order to deepen the understanding of the pathophysiological phenomena determining diabetes or loss of functional beta mass after transplantation. The application of this research includes the preservation of pancreatic beta cells in vivo in type 2 diabetes as well as in transplantation in type 1 diabetes.

Combined expected outcomes of the two leading axes are improvements of the isolation of human islets procedure from whole pancreas donors in order to obtain a larger number of islets with a higher level of survival and function. The LCTD also contributes to the CHU Biological Resource Centre (CCBHM) by the production of biological collections: fresh pancreas and exocrine or endocrine cells, pancreas and purified islet proteins, RNA, and tissue slides.

The LCTD is the coordinator/partner of several clinical research programs (AOI/ANR/FP7/PHRC) dedicated to the promotion of cell therapy in the field of diabetes. The team has many national and international collaborations ongoing and participates in the FP7 project BIOSID on bioartificial pancreas using macro-encapsulated human islets.



CARTIGEN est une plateforme de recherche et d’innovation du CHU et de l’Université de Montpellier, financée par la région Occitanie. Elle a pour ambition de devenir un pôle d'excellence unique grâce à des expertises scientifiques et médicales pour la réhabilitation et la régénération du muscle et du cartilage.


  • Interconnecter des expertises: imagerie, analyse et modélisation du mouvement, robotique, intelligence artificielle, ingénierie tissulaire
  • Intégration innovante de biomarqueurs cliniques, biologiques, d'imagerie et de mobilité 
  • Comprendre et proposer de nouveaux modèles physiopathologiques
  • Proposer une rupture avec des thérapies ciblées et personnalisées des maladies musculo-squelettiques


Pour en savoir plus : Voir le site de Cartigen

Manager : Jean-Marc LEMAITRE

Phone number : 04 67 33 04 74

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  • Operations Manager : Romain DESPRAT  04 67 33 26 41 or 06 60 94 09 96
  • I.R. INSERM : Lydiane PICHARD
  • Technician CHU : Fabienne BECKER

    SAFE-iPS platform SAFE-iPSC is a hospital platform located inside the Institute For Regenerative Medicine & Biotherapie (IRMB). It's one among the five plateforms labellised "Infrastructure Nationale du consortium INGESTEM", which can fournish services to industrial and academic laboratories such as :

    • non integrative IPs derivation from skin biopsies and blood
    • fonctionnal characterization : autorenew & differentiation.

    Two engineers and one technician are full time dedicated to this platform.

    The R & D activity of the platform consists in developping new reprogramming strategies and improvments in producing IPs in GMP conditions.

    A.N.R. project  : In your project (such A.N.R.) which must integrate Ips production, the platform can furnishe technical specifications and invoices.


    Facilities :

    • 2 dual hoods from RUSKINN Company
    • Fluidigm C1
    • Fluidigm BioMark HD & HX

    Coordinateur : Christian JORGENSEN

    Cheffe de projets : Séverine Kremer

    Tél. : 04 67 33 01 92

    ECELLFRANCE est une infrastructure nationale de biologie santé possédant un haut niveau d’expertise dans la production et le développement de CSM pour le traitement d’indications médicales majeures.

    ECELLFRANCE regroupe :

    • Des plateformes de production de CSM de grade clinique
    • Des équipes de recherche avec une expertise en matière de recherche translationnelle en thérapie cellulaire
    • Des équipes de recherche clinique pour réaliser les études cliniques de phase I et II


    ECELLFRANCE propose d’aider des partenaires académiques ou industriels pour la mise en place de leurs programmes non-cliniques ou cliniques. La plateforme fournit des services couvrant l’ensemble du pipeline de production et de développement basé sur les CSM.


    La plateforme de Montpellier

    La plateforme de Montpellierest dédiée à :

    • La coordination nationale, la conception et au soutien d’essai clinique
    • La sécurité et l’efficacité des CSM dans des modèles de pathologies ostéoarticulaires et auto-immunes : Danièle Noël & Karine Toupet
    • L’immunomonitoring de patients traités par CSM : Pascale Louis-Plence & Maïlys Cren


    Contact plateforme de Montpellier : 

    Site internet de EcellFrance 
     Suivez EcellFrance Montpellier sur LinkedIn



    Manager : Christophe DUPERRAY

    Phone number : 04 67 33 78 29

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    As a core lab, we offer expertise and help for flow cytometry experimentations : sorting, fluorochrome panel design, data analysis.

    Flow Cytometry Instrumentation

    Analyzers : Beckman Coulter Cyan and Gallios.

    Sorter : FACSAria


    Kaluza, FlowJo, ModFit, Diva, CytobaseM.R.I