Presentation of the CIC

The Clinical Investigation Centre (CIC 1411) is a clinical investigation platform open to clinicians, fundamental researchers and industrial and academic sponsors. It is a centre of expertise and knowhow. The human and technical resources made available allow performing clinical research in conformity with quality assurance requirements, and with ethical and legal regulations, resulting in optimal utilisation.  

Strong points of our CIC:

It strengthens translational research between fundamental and clinical investigation:

More than 30 INSERM and CNRS units in the region have expressed the need for partnerships with clinical teams to ensure the progress of their works.


Twenty teams at the CHU are currently, or will be, committed to this translational research approach.

It includes clearly identified thematic paths in fields in which clinical research converges with progress in fundamental research:

The CIC's three main paths of research are diabetes and metabolism , infectious viral diseases, pediatry and neurosciences. Three other paths are being developed: cancerology, cardiac and vascular diseases and rheumatic diseases .

Its capacity to contribute added value to clinical research:

  • By producing and contributing to innovative knowledge.
  • By favouring the transfer and exploitation of new concepts and products for medical application.
  • And by contributing to training in clinical research and its professions.